Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy New Year

I haven't forgotten, it's just been a rather busy time with the holidays and all the family stuff that goes around it. For Thanksgiving I made my own version of a Portabella Wellington for my Grandpa and myself and for Christmas dinner I made something between a Portabella Wellington and a Meatless Shepard's Pie inside the puffed pastry I had leftover from Christmas. Both are things I will probbaly try again.

The last couple days I have been back to my cooking self, making sure I had stuff tucked away in the freezer for my upcoming show. I made bulgar/black bean chili and black beans and rice. (Both with extra helpings in the freezer.)

Today, I decided to make the meatless version of the sandwhich the fast food chains wish they could make. My not sausage biscuit breakfast-inspired sandwhich. I made two biscuits (we keep the kind in the freezer where you can make one or the whole bag) and two Morningstar "sausage" patties with a single egg scrambled with a couple sliced mushrooms, a bit of green onion, salt, pepper, and a dash of milk, topped with a small bit of cheese. The mushrooms and green onion made a nice addition to the sandwhich. Served with apple slices it made a nice lunch.

"You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughterhouse is concealed in the graceful distance of miles, there is complicity." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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