Thursday, January 14, 2010

Another day, another bite.

I haven't felt much like cooking the last couple days. My big cooking accomplishment was fixing alfredo with mushrooms last night. I went an easy route today with a salad for lunch and a less than healthy dinner of cheese pizza bites. They were easy, they were there, and I just haven't had the inspiration for cooking something.

For a treat (or punishment, depending on how you look at it) I decided to chare a poem I wrote about my beloved lima beans.

"Lima Beans"
Green I am & from pods I came, the life of a lima bean is never done.
From the ground I come, towards the sun I grow.
Plucked from pods 7 either fresh, frozen, canned, or dried.
A lot of people dread my appearance.
A lot of people turn up their noses.
Bit I am the bean most over-looked.
Love me, eat me, make me yours.
I ho,d more magic than you may evern know.
Doesn't make you wish you were a lima bean all green and purdy and yummy.

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