I am a vegetarian which to me means I refrain from eating things that include flesh, blood, or bone. This include meat, meat broths, and gelatin among other things. I am happy to be a vegetarian and content with the lifestyle that I have chosen (or lifestyle that chose me), however I do know that not everyone appreciates it for what it is or for what it is to me. It can be difficult at times when you feel so isolated. My family eats meat, the majority of my friends eat meat... and then there is me, the token vegetarian. I live in a world where my eating habits are considered strange and often times odd. If it weren't clear enough all I have to do is turn on the tv and be bombarded with commercials or tv shows serving cooked flesh. I know it is unreasonable to to feel more a part of the community as a whole, when the higher percentage is not vegetarian or vegan, but sometimes it would be nice to feel a bit more connected. Sometimes it would be nice not to feel so isolated from other vegetarians.
I know there are more out there like me, living a vegetarian lifestyle in a non-veg friendly world. I hope you are each finding your way the best way possible and enjoying the fruits of the lifestyle that is a pert of who we are.
As attributed to Bernie Wilke, in Joanne Stepaniak, 'The Vegan Sourcebook,' 1998: "I've found without question that the best way to lead others to a more plant-based diet is by example - to lead with your fork, not your mouth."