Saturday, November 17, 2007

Vegetarianism is Not a Punishment

I’ve been thinking a lot about the notion that many have that vegetarianism is about giving things up. (I did give up pain, nausea, and prescription medications by going vegetarian.) Many see this as a sacrifice. This is a lifestyle not a punishment. My body is better. My spirit is lighter. I am not suffering. “But don’t you miss it?” they ask, especially as the holidays approach. I don’t. I find harmony in the local farmers’ market and companionship from my animal friends. There is a whole, wide, wonderful world of yummy and satisfying food that does not have to include meat. Soul food. Comfort food. Light. Healthy. Hearty. Filling.

I’ve been going through recipe ideas for Thanksgiving. In my family everyone brings and almost everyone can cook very well. I first learned to cook from watching my mother, my grandmother, and my aunt; often needing a stool to help stir something or watch. Most measurements were by hand or coffee cup and everything was to taste. Now I pour over meal ideas a cross between the traditional German-influenced cooking of my family and the adventure of a meatless cuisine. I contemplate what new things I can expose my family to without too many complaints. They aren’t always as adventurous with food as I am, but I am continuing to work on them.

In the words of Buddha: "To become vegetarian is to step into the stream which leads to nirvana."

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