It's another day in my veggie paradise (or as near to paradise as I have so far found) and my entire family seems in a tizzy about the upcoming weeding this weekend. There seem to be a number of weddings this weekend, involving both family and friends. To top off the excitement I am in the wedding party of the cousin's wedding that is this Saturday and I am the only known vegetarian. The wedding food wasn't much of an issue (I was told), but the real "excitement" came when I asked my aunt about the menu for the rehearsal dinner (a mixture of simple curiousity and thought process about bringing something for me). As she went through the menu she started to come to the realization that there wasn't really anything for me... once again the token vegetarian as this family event. She was planning on calling the restaurant who is doing the catering for the rehearsal dinner and have something ordered for me. I hate adding extra work to people when it comes to stuff like that and I try to not only be especially appreciative when they do make special plans for me, but also to be willing to adjust as needed without giving up my ideals. (Much of the wedding dinner is being made by family members and my mom is making seperate pasta salad for me, minus the pepperoni she put in the pepperoni she put in the rest.)
In other news I ran across some interesting news on Oprah. If you get a chance check out her 21 day Cleanse blog and about how she's doing vegan.

"The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creatures that cannot." ~Mark Twain, What Is Man, 1906
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