Melted cheese isn't just for between two slices of bread or on top of some baked pasta. Sometimes it comes in quesodilla form that includes veggies and topped with salsa. Tonight was such a night. When I first saw the quesodilla makers in the store, I laughed. We did fine without one. Then somehow we ended up with one and tried it out. Its not one of those kitchen necessities, but it can be nice. Quesodilla Night is one of those where a spread of filling options are laid out and everyone makes what they want. I like to saute up sliced mushroom and a bit of onion with a touch of taco seasoning, using a sprinkle of water to really let everything start to meld together, then add my mushroom mixture with black olives in between the flour tortillas and shredded cheddar, then topped off with homemade salsa after cut. Of course, the great thing is you can add pretty much anything you want and even put the salsa on the inside.
We are still in discussions on what to do for my family birthday dinner. It really shouldn't be this much of a discussion. For some odd reason I seem to want to go somewhere that includes more than grilled cheese and the occasional salad that is meat-free. I want more, especially since it is supposed to be for my birthday. At this point I think I'd be happy just with ordering in from someplace I like and enjoying a lone bottle of wine or something sparkly. This area doesn't have the greatest restaurant choices (a lot of steakhouses and "homecooking") for those vegetarians, and I don't know how open they'd be to some of those options as it is. Looking at something maybe more 'ethnic'- based like Mexican or Italian. We shall see.
'I venture to maintain that there are multitudes to whom the necessity of discharging the duties of a butcher would be so inexpressibly painful and revolting, that if they could obtain a flesh diet on no other condition, they would relinquish it forever." -- W.E.H. Lecky